foeniculum vulgare mill photo
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Plants of the World Online Kew Science
Discover the flowering plant tree of life and the genomic data used to build it. Foeniculum vulgare Mill. The native range of this species is Medit. to Ethiopia and W. Nepal. It is a perennial and
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Foeniculum vulgare Mill. - World Flora Online
Aromatic perennial with a fusiform root; stems erect up to 1.5 m (or more), solid, finely striate, terete, branched, leafy. Ultimate leaf segments up to 40 by 0.5 mm. Rays of umbels 10–30,
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Tropicos Name - Foeniculum vulgare
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Details; Images (27) Synonyms (31) References (42) Homonyms (1) Subordinate Taxa (8) Collections (145) ... Foeniculum vulgare. Foeniculum vulgare.
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Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Plants of the World Online
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. First published in Gard. Dict., ed. 8.: n.° 1 (1768) The native range of this species is Medit. to Ethiopia and W. Nepal. It is a perennial and grows primarily in the temperate biome. It is used as animal food and a
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Fennel - (Bitter) Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare Mill. ssp.
Common fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) is native to the Mediterranean region, where it is found as two subspecies. The subspecies piperitum (Pepper or Bulgarian fennel) grows wild on dry, rocky soils, while the subspecies vulgare
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Photograph: Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Florabase is produced by the staff of the Western Australian Herbarium, Biodiversity and Conservation Science, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. Publication or other use of content
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Foeniculum Vulgare Mill Photos, Images Pictures - Shutterstock
Find Foeniculum Vulgare Mill stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures
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Fennel - Wikipedia
Foeniculum vulgare is a perennial herb. The stem is hollow, erect, and glaucous green, and it can grow up to 2.5 metres (8 feet) tall. The leaves grow up to 40 centimetres (16 inches) long; they are finely dissected, with the ultimate
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Traditional Farming of Apiaceae Species in Türkiye:
Fennel is classified only as Foeniculum vulgare Mill., as a species belonging to the Foeniculum genus of the Apiaceae family. All fennel plants, both naturally growing and cultivated, belong to the Foeniculum vulgare Mill. species. It has two subspecies: ssp. piperitum and ssp. vulgare (Muckensturm et al. 1997).
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Foeniculum vulgare Mill., 1768 subsp. vulgare - Fenouil commun
Présentation de Foeniculum vulgare subsp. vulgare (Fenouil commun) : description, classification, répartition, observations, statuts de protection, listes rouges ...
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Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Apiaceae SpringerLink
2024年11月16日 Foeniculum vulgare Mill.: Perennial or biennial; root fusiform, to 1 cm thick, branching above, multicapital; stem erect, 90–200 cm high, cylindrical, finely ribbed, strongly branching; leaves ovate – triangular, 3–4 pinnatisect, lower leaves on petioles, the upper sessile on dilated sheath; lobules linear-filiform or linear-subulate, acuminate, slightly cartilaginous;
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Foeniculum vulgare Mill., 1768 - Fenouil commun, Lani, Anis
Foeniculum vulgare Mill., 1768; Présentation Portrait Taxonomie Statuts Cartes Jeux de données Habitats Histoire et archéologie Données et outils; Rechercher une espèce; Foeniculum vulgare Mill., 1768; Portrait; cd_nom. Présentation Portrait Taxonomie Statuts Cartes ...
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ウイキョウ Foeniculum vulgare セリ科 Apiaceae ウイキョウ ...
3-1 Foeniculum vulgare Mill. var. dulce (Mill.) Thell. イタリアウイキョウ synonym Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum [Missouri Botanical Garden] synonym Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce (Mill.) Batt. Trab. synonym Foeniculum dulce Mill. synonym Foeniculum azoricum Mill.
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Therapeutic and pharmacological potential of Foeniculum vulgare Mill
2015年1月1日 Introduction: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill) is one of the oldest spice plants which, due to its economic importance and significant pharmaceutical industry applications, is considered as one of ...
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MONOGRAFIA DA ESPÉCIE Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (FUNCHO)
MONOGRAFIA DA ESPÉCIE Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (FUNCHO) Organização: Ministério da Saúde e ANVISA Fonte de Recurso: Ação 20K5 (DAF / SCTIE / MS) / 2013 Brasília 2015 . 2 ... A espécie Foeniculum vulgare Miller é nativa das regiões da Ásia Menor e Europa Mediterrânea e se expalhou pelo mundo acompanhando a ocupação humana.
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Foeniculum vulgare Mill: A Review of Its Botany, Phytochemistry ...
Abstract. Foeniculum vulgare Mill commonly called fennel has been used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments related to digestive, endocrine, reproductive, and respiratory systems. Additionally, it is also used as a galactagogue agent for lactating mothers. The review aims to gather the fragmented information available in the literature regarding morphology,
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Fenouil commun — Wikipédia
Le Fenouil ou Fenouil commun (Foeniculum vulgare, syn. Foeniculum officinale) est une plante généralement vivace mais parfois bisannuelle de la famille des apiacées (ombellifères). Les variétés cultivées de cette espèce de fenouil sont utilisées en alimentation pour le renflement bulbeux et charnu de leurs feuilles imbriquées les unes dans les autres.
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Foeniculum vulgare Mill. - Préservons la Nature
Fiche détaillée de Foeniculum vulgare Mill. / Fenouil commun / Plante vivace de 1 à 2 mètres, glabre, un peu glauque, très aromatique, à souche épaisse ; tiges robustes, striées, rameuses ; feuilles 3-4 fois pennatiséquées, à lanières nombreuses, filiformes, très allongées, les supérieures à gaine plus longue que le limbe ; ombelles grandes, longuement pédonculées, à 10-30 ...
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Foeniculum vulgare Mill. - World Flora Online
This name is reported by Apiaceae as an accepted name in the genus Foeniculum (family Apiaceae).. The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2024-06-04) which reports it as an accepted name
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Dietary Foeniculum vulgare Mill extract attenuated UVB
2016年11月15日 Background: Foeniculum vulgare Mill (FV) has long been prescribed in traditional medicine due to its antioxidant anti-inflammatory properties. However, little research has been done on the use of FV to alleviate changes in UVB-induced photoaging PURPOSE: This study was to investigate the photoprotective effects and mechanism of FV in vitro and in vivo.
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Foeniculum vulgare [Finocchio selvatico] - Flora Italiana
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Finocchio selvatico) Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Università di Trieste - Progetto Dryades - Picture by Andrea Moro - Provenza, Dipartimento delle Alpi-Marittime, città di Cannes, nei pressi della stazione ferroviaria. , Francia, - Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 3.0 License
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Fenchel - (Bitterer) Fenchel – Foeniculum vulgare Mill. ssp. vulgare
Wissenswertes zur Pflanze. Der Gemeine Fenchel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) ist im Mittelmeergebiet beheimatet und kommt dort in zwei Unterarten vor.Die Unterart piperitum (Pfeffer- oder Eselsfenchel) wächst wild auf trockenen, steinigen Böden, die Unterart vulgare (Gartenfenchel) ist die meist zweijährige Kulturform, die in ganz Europa und anderen
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Foeniculum vulgare Mill: A Review of Its Botany, Phytochemistry ...
Foeniculum vulgare Mill commonly called fennel has been used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments related todigestive,endocrine,reproductive,andrespiratorysystems.Additionally, ...
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Foeniculum vulgare Mill: A Review of Its Botany, Phytochemistry ...
Foeniculum vulgare Mill commonly called fennel has been used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments related to digestive, endocrine, reproductive, and respiratory systems. Additionally, it is also used as a galactagogue agent for lactating mothers. The review aims to gather the fragmented information available in the literature regarding morphology,
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Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Apiaceae SpringerLink
2020年8月1日 Colombia: Fresh leaves are used as condiment (Bussmann et al. 2018). Ecuador: From the seeds aromatic oils are extracted with which liquors are produced. Leaf petioles are edible (unspecified ethnic group – Cañar, Azuay). It is used to prepare chicha (local beer) and aromatic waters (Mestiza-Tungurahua; unspecified ethnic group – Cañar, Loja).
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Avaliação biológica de Foeniculum vulgare (Mill.) (Umbelliferae ...
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. é espécie herbácea da família Umbelliferae, nativa da região do Mediterrâneo e da Ásia Menor, amplamente distribuída em todo o território brasileiro. É conhecida popularmente como funcho ou erva-doce e usada na medicina como analgésico, digestivo, carminativo, diurético, expectorante, lactígeno, anti-inflamatório, e antiespasmódico.
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Foeniculum vulgare - Fenouil - Génial Végétal
Foeniculum vulgare Mill., 1768; Ligusticum foeniculum (L.) Roth, 1788 Meum foeniculum (L.) Spreng., 1813 Extrait du Référentiel taxonomique de la faune, la flore et la fonge de France métropolitaine et d’outre-mer. TAXREF v.13.0 - INPN. Botanique. Plante : ↕ 40 - 200 cm
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Foeniculum vulgare Mill. from Spice to Pharma: Recent Advances
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. from spice to pharma S. Debnath et al. Figure 1. Uses of fennel in different regions sion used for infants to treat stomach aches in Guyana and Surinam [9].
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